A Beginner’s Guide to Powder Coating


Looking for the inside scoop about powder coating for metal fabrication projects? This guide will help.

How can the average person know what the proper powder coating is for metal fabrication projects? This isn’t a piece of information you will typically pick up on one of those DIY shows! The
truth is you can get all of the details you need to know about powder coating from metalworking professionals.

Our team at Metal Masters is always here to help you understand the ins and outs of powder coating for your next project. Whether you are trying to complete
the project yourself or want us to take the project by the reigns, our expertise can guide you in the right direction so you end up with a successful

Check out these tips from our beginner’s guide to powder coating:

Tip #1: The Surface of the Item Will Determine the Best Powder Coating

If you are talking about a metal item that is 100% metal, you will have best results with powder coating. However, if you have any other components with
the metal, you may have a hard time getting the powder to stick.

Tip #2: Determine in Advance Whether You Want Smooth, Textured or Glossy

What is your vision for the finished product for this metalworking project? Keeping the desired result in mind will help you to select the type of powder
coating to apply. If you are unsure, ask a professional to show you samples. Coating options include smooth, textured or glossy powder coating.

Tip #3: Expert Powder Coating Is Almost Always Better than a DIY Job

No offense, but the safest bet for getting powder coating job you are happy about is to get help from a professional metal fabrication and precision machine
shop. By working with a pro, you don’t have to worry about wasting money or ending up with a project failure.

The good news is our team at Metal Masters, Inc., is available to help you get the right powder coating for your metalworking project. You can have peace
of mind knowing you are working with the top metal fabrication and precision machine shop in the Newberry, SC area. Connect with us online now.

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Powder Coating
  • Metal Masters

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