3 Essential Elements of a Successful Metalworking Installation
The most important customer education needs for any metalworking project.
Discussing installation design is an essential part of customer education,
and it’s one of the most ignored. Professionals often feel they don’t need the help, and they worry about salespeople using “advice” to drive sales.
Unfortunately, this fear can result in operational problems that take away from production time and ultimately lead to waste. Here are three starting
points for putting together a successful metalworking installation:
1. Determine the equipment you need
Metalworking equipment runs the gamut, with many pieces designed for specific jobs. If you’re just starting out, try to select tools you can use for multiple
projects. The following are some of the most common metalworking tools:
- Bandsaw
- Die grinder
- Metal nibbler
- Flux core welder
- Press brake
2. Determine the setup you need
Metalworking installations vary considerably from one to the next. A small shipyard might have a single lathe used for making bronze sleeves and other
bit parts while a machinist shop could handle orders from several shipyards for all their metal work.
Certain tasks, such as leveling a lathe, require expertise and equipment you might not possess. Hiring it out is expensive. It’s also one of the tasks
you can skip, depending on the purpose behind your equipment. Before blowing your budget on non-essentials, make sure all your expenses are necessary
for your particular business. Talk to your Metal Masters rep about who to contact for details on shop set-up.
3. Determine the power you need
It takes a lot of energy to cut and mold metal, and without those specialty parts, plenty of businesses will be at a standstill. You won’t keep your customers
for long if work doesn’t get completed on time, so power outages aren’t an option. You need a generator capable of shouldering the load.
Take advantage of the customer education available
through our pro team at Metal Masters. Call us today at 803-276-6403 to discuss your shop needs.